Lizscyt commissions

Please note: atm I am only accepting illustration commissions. I need to figure out pricing for other commissions, such as: social media banners, twitch emotes, character sheets, etc.Unless I have discussed otherwise with you, please do not request those types of commissions until I have announced they are available.


I accept the follwing:
PayPal, CashApp, Venmo
my user for all is lizscyt

- Must pay half upfront, other half when finished
- Must provide reference sheet or drawings of character(s)
- Extra characters will be charged at full price as additional cost.
- Commissioning the creation of a character will be an added charge of 25%

For more examples of my work, check out my portfolio!

Terms of Service:

Before starting a project, we need to make sure we are on the same page so there aren't misunderstandings and to protect against fruad, so please take some time to read these terms! Thank you.


This agreement is between I, the Artist, and you, the Client, for work services performed on a project known as the Work.


I, the Artist, have the right to refuse projects and requests according to my discernment and capabilities. Some content that I will not be comfortable with creating include:
- Fully mech/robotic
- Explicit NSFW
- Loli or underage
- Complex Backgrounds
- Copying other's styles
- Offensive content
I, the Artist, warrant that the Work will be my original work performed to the best of my ability.Artistic style is subject to minor changes as I improve and develope as an artist. I warrant that the work is 100% original according to my best knowledge. I warrent I do not copy or heavily reference any materials or art I do not own (except for existing character design accuracy) while producing the Work. I have the right to use existing commercial licensed or commerical free construction assests such as brushes, vectors, symbols, patterns, templates, and more, and educational material such as anatomy pose reference, tutorials and so on. Material and design direction such as mood boards and examples are reffered to as inspiration, not reference, and will notr be closely observed.

Timeline & Process:

The completion of the Work requires 2 weeks at minimum, and may typically average 1 to 2 months, depending on commission type, complexity, and workload of commissions. (I am busier in the summer so it may take longer) Deadlines and timelines will be adhered to in good faith but may not be possible sometimes. Note that each project may vary.There may be major revision(s) for each item shown during the process, not including mistakes made by the Artist. Revision later in the process such as after line art can only be minor. I will actively reach out for feedback.Additional charge may be required for further revisions that may impact the progress and timeline of the project.Delivery of finished Work will be through your perfered media. (email or any socials)


Communication will take place throughout the entire project timeline with updates and bouncing ideas. I will typically ask for feedback when I have something to show. I will let you know if anything is causing delays or priority shifts in the project.I will use Instagram DMs/ Twitter DMs / Discord DMs / Email to facilitate communications. I will typically respond quickly but may also take up to a week, which is usually in order to provide a better, more concrete, update.Clients agree to provide all required art, references, information and assets before Work starts and during the process, or it can affect the timeline.Clients agree to remain respectful and agree that communication channels I provide are for business and professional use only. Client and Artist will not for any reason digress from business discussion for the majority/duration of the project.

Rights, usage, & Credits:

Artist Rights:I retain original copyright and ownership of the Work, which includes but may not be limited to advertising and displaying the Work in my websites, social media and portfolios according to my discretion. I have rights to repurpose unused process work for future projects, personal or otherwise.The process will likely be posted on my socials and/or streamed on Twitch or Youtube unless Clients request otherwise before project begins. A NDA or confidential commission status may be subject to a +10% fee.Client Rights:Clients are granted exclusive rights for personal use of the Work produced as agreed upon, which must not be transferred to any other parties. Personal use includes: Social media profile pictures, wallpapers, personal website display, social media posts, physical prints and products that is not for sale or distribution to any other party.Clients may not at any time modify, edit, change the Work without permission from the Artist.Clients may not claim Work as their own or anyone else’s and therefore must credit me as the Artist using my social tag/username/link (Lizscyt).Commercial Rights:Unless specified in the commission information or otherwise discussed and agreed upon, commercial licenses and reselling rights are not included. Commercial means usage on streams, broadcast content, or any monetized work including but not exclusive to: merchandise, monetized videos, music releases; and reselling rights means selling the Work to another party or another platform or on any platform.Any Work done or made available to the client must not be used for AI Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, AI/ML Training, NFT, blockchain or any for profit platforms or purposes. Such usage is completely prohibited and may result in legal action taken.Commercial licenses require additional charges of 100%/2x / on a case-by-case basis / as listed in the commission information.

Payments, cancellation, refunds:

Payment:Before starting the project, the Client provides a 50% downpayment with the remaining 50% due at first complete watermarked preview before final revisions or delivery.Invoices will be sent when Work is ready to begin at least within a reasonable amount of time, not during waitlist or consultation process. Do not send a payment without my request.When invoice or payment link is received, the Client agrees to pay within 72 hours unless circumstances are communicated otherwise in advance, or the project/waitlist position may be cancelled by the Artist.Prices are in USD internationally, and paid via PayPal, CashApp, or Venmo. Prices may change depending on complexity of the commission.By engaging on any project, once Work has started, or transactions have been made through payment service provider, the Client acknowledges the product and deliverables are DIGITAL and there is no physically shipped good to receive. Chargebacks are not permitted and the refund policy as mentioned will be followed.Cancellation & Refund:If Client requests cancellation, 50% may be forfeit if less than 2 days before Work starts or be partially to fully refunded if there is more than 2 days notice before Work starts. Once Work begins, refunds are not possible unless initiated by the Artist.If for any unforeseen reason I cannot complete the Work or the Work is significantly delayed by 2 months past deadline, I will take initiative to inform you and provide a partial refund if Work done up to this point is accepted or full refund.

Business Clients:

For businesses, agencies, organizations, management and groups, please contact me to arrange in more detail.


I reserve the right to refuse to accept projects if it does not fit with my studio.By commissioning, you confirm you are at least 18 and above or have a legal parent/guardian to agree to all of the terms of service as listed above.The date for this agreement is upon the first inquiry/communication for the commission or upon the first transaction made.

Thank you so much for deciding to work with me!

- Lizz